Abandoned JLo

As any true Disney story starts out with heartbreak and sadness, JLo's story ended with a happily ever after.  Through the power of networking, JLo's world turn upside down overnight.  JLo came to us from the vet's office that treats and fixes our dogs before they find their forever homes.  She was abandoned two months ago and became a favorite of all the workers, however, living in a kennel just wasn't the life for this yellow lab.  She was starting to get a bit stir crazy after staring at the same four walls day after day.  New Leash on Life was asked to take this gal on and find her a foster/forever home.  NLOL is only able to take in as many dogs as we have foster homes available, so we put out the plea on Facebook. 

Overnight we received countless offerings and felt so blessed to have such a strong community behind us.  JLo's is now in her foster with the intent to adopt home, she has a beautiful backyard to run and play and she has awesome former NLOL adopter parents. 

JLo was a rockstar in the car, sitting nicely the entire way.

And as soon as she entered the home, she was showered with love and affection.  You can barely see her tail in this picture because it was wagging so fast.

And because JLo had been through so much, we thought she deserved a cupcake as a "Welcome Home" treat.

She is one very happy girl.  Thank you to everyone who reposted this story and spread the word.  NLOL is so blessed to have such an amazing support team and we thank each of you for being able to get this girl into a home so quickly.